Saturday, December 17, 2011

Warmth #3

The following photos were taken by A in TO.

The warmth of a fireplace.

The warmth of hand knit socks.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Warmth #2

Adding wood to a small fire.

Photo taken by L in BC.

Warmth #1

Campfire with forks waiting for the marshmallows.

Photo taken by M from Toronto while on holiday in BC.

Old and Beautiful #6

These were taken by M in Toronto.

Old rusty nails.

Serene, peaceful and beautiful. Both photos taken in Muskoka.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Rainy-ness #5

Funny how things are nice and shiny in the rain - even wood.

Click on the photo to see the rain drops. This sign panel, along with two others, was designed by the photographer.
These photos were taken of O'Connor Park in Mississauga, Ontario.

This is a photo of floats at the CNE (Canadian National Exhibition.)

All photos were taken by M in Toronto.